Kindergarten Flyers Cabinet

On this page, you will find many helpful resources and flyers to help you prepare your child for Kindergarten.

Welcome to Sunrise Valley ES

Sunrise Valley ES Family Handbook

View our Family Handbook:
SVES Family Handbook 25-26

About the SVES PTA

The SVES PTA is YOU! We are a group of volunteer parents and caregivers who enhance our school community through events and academic enrichment. 

Show your support for the PTA by becoming a member. Stay up to date on scheduled activities and stay in the know by signing up for our e-newsletter at 

Read the full flyer at the following link: 
 PTA About Us.pdf

Health Room Letter

Greetings from your school Health Room! 

Our goal is to ensure that your student enjoys a healthful, safe school year.  Please read the following information carefully and if you have any questions, please feel free to call your School Health Aide, Yara Natour at 703-715-3810 or your Public Health Nurse, Lorie Jreige at 571-363-1469

Read the full flyer at the following link: 
Welcome HR letter.pdf

Speech and Language Development Orientation Flyer

As children develop speech and language, they progress through many stages. Listed below are some oral language skills typical of a five-year-old child’s stage of development:

  • Can pay attention to short stories and answer simple questions about them
  • Understands most of what is said at home and at school (e.g. simple directions, questions)
  • Sentences give details and can use adult-like grammar (though many are still working on correct grammar and sentence structure)
  • When explaining something or telling a story, the child sticks to the topic and strings together ideas in an understandable sequence (some are better at this than others, depending on attention/maturity)
  • May still have some errors in pronunciation (e.g. /s/, /r/, /l/, /th/ /z/), but is still relatively easy to understand. Many articulation errors are considered still developmentally-appropriate at this age. Some children are still developing later-developing speech sounds up to age 8.


All Kindergarten students in FCPS are screened at the beginning of the year for age-appropriate speech and language development. I’ll be contacting parents if concerns are identified, within the first few months of school. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact our special education department chair, Liz Goswick (@email).

Read the full flyer at the following link: 
Speech and Language Development K Orientation Handout.pdf

School Supply List (2024-2025)

2024-25 Kindergarten Supply List

Please bring items to the Open House in August or on the first day of school.

  • full size backpack (labeled w/name)
  • over the head headphones (not wireless)

Please do not put your child’s name on the following items, they will be combined and shared:

  • 2 boxes of crayons (24 ct)
  • 2 boxes of thick Crayola markers
  • box of thin Crayola markers
  • 4 black Paper Mate flair pens
  • 2 thin black dry erase markers
  • pencil box for supplies
  • spiral notebook (any line ruled, plain, solid color)
  • 2 large Elmer’s glue sticks
  • Fiskars scissors, blunt tip (solid color, no design please)
  • container of Playdoh (large/full size)
  • Last name A-L:  hand sanitizer; box of tissues
  • Last name M-Z:  Clorox wipes; 2 boxes of Ticonderoga pencils

School Aged Child Care

School Aged Child Care (SACC) offers before-and after-school care for children attending kindergarten through sixth grade in most Fairfax County public elementary schools. Children with special needs are fully included in all SACC centers. In addition, SACC programs at Key and Kilmer centers serve youth, ages 5-21, with multiple types of disabilities.

SACC is committed to nondiscrimination and inclusion in all programs, services and activities.

SACC Information Site
SACC Registration

Supporting Your Kindergartener

Success in Kindergarten (FCPS)

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) believes that a high quality kindergarten program provides an education which meets each child’s needs, interests, and level of development. Kindergarten offers opportunities for children to observe, explore, experiment, and investigate the world around them. 

FCPS recognizes that parents are their children’s first teachers. This publication provides parents with ways to support their children to help ensure a successful transition to kindergarten. Parents are encouraged to engage children in these activities in their home language. For additional information, please visit…

Read the full flyer at the following link: 
_Success in Kindergarten Parent Strategies_English.pdf

Kindergarten Readiness (FCPS)

How to Be Involved in your Child's Education (FCPS)

Fairfax County Public Schools welcomes parent involvement in their child’s school experience. Your support and encouragement are crucial to your student’s academic success.

  • Be an informed parent.
  • Get to know your child’s teacher.
  • Support learning at home.
  • Use resources available to FCPS families.
  • Become an active supporter of education. 
Read the full flyer at the following link: 
How to be involved in your childs education-ENG .pdf

Structuring Your Home for School Success (FCPS)

As a parent, you already provide for your child’s basic needs. Here are more ways to make your home a learning place. 

  • Be your children’s first teacher.  
  • Build motivation.  
  • Organize space and time.
  • Foster Responsibility. 
Read the full flyer at the following link: 
structuring your home for school success.pdf

Good Attendance (FCPS)

Attending school regularly is a habit that leads to school success.  Set the expectation in kindergarten that your child will get to school on time every day. The habit will carry through elementary, middle, and high school years and into adult life. 

What Parents Can Do
  • Help your child set and maintain routines.
  • Ensure that your child gets enough sleep.
  • Send children to school unless they are sick.
  • Schedule medical appointments outside of school hours.
  • Avoid long trips when school is in session. 
Read more about the importance of good attendance at the following link: 
good attendance handout.pdf

Learning in Fairfax County Public Schools

FCPS Curriculum Guides for Parents

Read and explore helpful resources at the following links:
Family-Facing Curriculum Guides

Portrait of a Graduate Packet

In 2014, the FCPS School Board developed and adopted the Portrait of a Graduate (POG). This was in collaboration with a variety of stakeholders:

  • parents
  • families
  • local businesses
  • community members
  • educators
  • students
  • our FCPS leadership

This adoption of POG acknowledges that in our rapidly changing world, education needs to evolve to fulfill our mission of supporting student success in school and in life. POG prioritizes the development of skills that will empower students to be productive citizens of a global community and successful in the workforce of the future. 

Read the full flyer and explore helpful resources at the following links:
Portrait of a Graduate
Portrait of a Graduate Resources for K-6

Blank Progress Report

View a blank student progress report by following the link:
Elementary Progress Report.PDF

Orientation Slidedeck:

'24 Kindergarten Orientation.pdf