Comic Con
Sunrise Valley Library Presents Comic Con!
Why: To promote literacy and celebrate student learning of plot structure, archetypal characters,and the ways in which images communicate information.
What: Students have the option to enter the comics they have been working on at school in the SVES Comic Con in the library. Families are invited to celebrate their students’ learning.
- Students may dress in their best cosplay costume to the evening event. No weapons of any kind are allowed.
- Sixth grade students will display a slideshow they created about the history of comics and their impact on societal change.
- Third grade students will demonstate robots they coded.
How-Grades K-2:
- Grades K-2 are drawing their comics byhand. Extra blank comic strips can befound on the library Schoology page.
- Parents should feel free to help withspeech bubbles as needed.
How-Grades 3-6:
- Grades 3-6 are using a softwarecalled Pixton to create their comics.
- To log into Pixton at home, makesure to use a Google browser andstudents should log into the browser using their school accounts.
-[email protected])
- Normal password used at school
- Log into Schoology> Library Page>Grade Level Folder> Teacher Folderto find the link for your class.
Who: Sunrise Valley students in grades K-6.
When: April 9th from 6-7 p.m. Comic book submissions due not later than April 4th.
Contact: Allison Leonard @ @email