School Innovation and Improvement Plan (SIIP) at a Glance

Goal outcomes for this academic year

2023-2024 School Improvement & Innovation Plan

  • Sunrise Valley Elementary School
  • Region 1
  • Ashley Younger, Principal

English Language Arts

Outcome: By Spring 2024, the percent of students in grade 3 demonstrating on-grade level reading will increase from 88% to 93%, as measured by the SOL.

Strategy 1: Improve daily, systematic, explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonics, and morphology in the core language arts block.

Strategy 2: Strengthen systematic and explicit writing instruction and provide opportunities to write throughout the day.


Outcome: Students in grades 3-6 will increase their overall SOL score from 84% to 90% as measured by the 2023-24 SOL & VAAP. 

Strategy 1: Increase teacher implementation of explicit instruction and other components of effective mathematics intervention.

Strategy 2: Increase students' self-efficacy around the ability to be successful in mathematics.


Outcome: All students will demonstrate growth in the POG attributes of Communicator and Goal Directed & Resilient Individual to increase their self-management and responsible decision making skills as measured through SEL Screener, student POG self-reflection and teacher rubrics. 

Strategy 1:  All classrooms will integrate POG attributes and skills into daily instruction. 

Strategy 2: Students will display resilience when confronted with challenges, demonstrating their ability to communicate and respond appropriately.

Strategy 3: Revise and reaffirm our school-wide behavior expectations to establish a secure, inclusive, and productive environment for every student.